Navigating the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) examination as a PhD holder demands thorough preparation, and the right resources can make all the difference. The TRCN syllabus for PhD holders provides a comprehensive guide to the topics you must master, ensuring you focus on the right areas. Coupled with past questions, it serves as a blueprint to excel in the examination, giving you an edge.
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TRCN Syllabus for PhD According to Subjects
1. History of Education
- Educational development in Nigeria with emphasis on the evolution of current educational policies and practices.
- Traditional, Islamic and modern systems of education in Nigeria.
- The role of educational supervisory commissions in policy making.
- The National Policy on Education and the Nigerian Constitution.
- Appraising Nigeria’s general educational challenges and proposing remedies in the context of historical lessons and experiences of Nigeria and other countries.
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2. Philosophy of Education
- Basic philosophical thoughts in education.
- Educational ideas and practices from ancient times and their influence on modern practices.
- Philosophical thoughts underlying Nigerian education.
- Appraising Nigeria’s general educational challenges and proposing remedies in the context of plausible philosophical thought around the world and Nigeria.
3. Sociology of Education
- Basic concepts of sociology.
- Nature of society, primary and secondary groups in society, ethnic groups, minority groups.
- Education and social change.
- The teacher’s role in society.
- The school as a social organization.
- Features of industrial and non-industrial societies and their influence on education.
- Emerging issues – Gender, Security, Out-of-School, Family Life, Albinism, Child Trafficking, etc.
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4. Educational Psychology
- Theories of learning.
- Classroom implications on various Educational practices.
- Developmental stages in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
- Interaction processes within the environment and the influence of this on intellectual, social, and Learning
- how to learn.
- barriers to study.
- identification of students’ reactions to barriers to study.
- remedies to barriers to study.
- preparation and use of check sheets for instruction.
- management of a material-based instruction.
- Communication skills for teacher’s emotional development.
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5. Guidance and Counseling
- Rationale, scope, and nature of Guidance and Counseling services in educational and community settings.
- Multiple approaches of such services with an emphasis on the role of counselors in needs assessment programme planning, consultation, and coordination of services for diverse populations.
- Study of problems, issues, trends, and ethical responsibility in the field of Guidance and Counseling.
- Principles and methods of developing and administering guidance programs in the school setting – at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
- Practical programs and issues in Nigeria, e.g. problems connected with testing programmes, interpersonal relationships, finance, etc.
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6. The Teaching Profession
- Historical development of teaching as a profession in Nigeria.
- Provisions of the TRCN Act 31 of 1993.
- Activities, programmes, and policies of TRCN especially in the areas of
- Registration and licensing of teachers
- Mandatory continuing professional education.
- Induction and internship schemes.
- Control of professional misconduct, incompetence, and negligence.
- Accreditation, monitoring, and supervision of teacher education programmes. Etc.
- Review of TRCN basic publications – Teachers Code of Conduct, Nigerian Journal of Professional Teachers, etc.
- Comparisons of the regulation of teaching in Nigeria and abroad.
- Comparisons of the regulation of teaching and other professions in Nigeria.
- Successes, challenges, and strategies for the advancement of the teaching profession in Nigeria.
7. Teacher Education
- Concepts, aims, and objectives of tertiary teacher education.
- Roles of the teacher in the school and as a member of a population group in Nigeria.
- Teacher education issues, problems, and strategies for improvement.
- Trends in Teacher Education.
8. Classroom Management and School Organisation
- Concept of classroom management and organisation:
- class organisation,
- classroom leadership,
- classroom arrangement,
- class control,
- class discipline, etc;
- Concept and essence of school public relations.
- Factors influencing school:
- public relations.
- staff-management relations.
- student-staff relations.
- parent-staff relations.
- school environment.
- school programme.
- school performance.
- school tone.
- Management of learner and school records.
9. Educational Technology / ICT
- Meaning, value, varieties and uses of Educational Technology.
- Audio-Visual materials, school broadcasting and ICT applications in Education.
- Selection of appropriate aids for specific lessons.
- Evaluation of effects of teaching aids on lesson effectiveness.
- Introduction to Information and Communication Technology.
- The role of ICT in Education.
- Computer appreciation.
- Computer operations:
- Typing skills.
- Computer operations:
- MS Word.
- Excel.
- Power Point.
- Publisher, etc.
- ICT tools for Education – Use of emails, internet, virtual library, etc.
- One computer programme along with current ICT concepts and operations.
- Use of the internet: browsing, searching, mailing, social media, etc.
10. Subject Methodology
- Principles and Theories of teaching specific subject matter areas.
- Current trends in subject methodology. Improvisation.
- Open and Distance Learning (ODL).
- Course ware development for higher education.
- Designing new courses for higher education, writing course objectives, basic steps in course ware, development of courses for online learning.
- The aims and objectives of teaching specific subjects.
- Approaches to the teaching of the subjects.
- Selection and evaluation of materials and resources for teaching.
- Implementation of curriculum.
- Teaching and examination of syllabi.
- Preparation of course description and outlines. Benchmark considerations.
- E-learning planning.
- Peer teaching.
- A survey of curricular in relevant disciplines.
- Analysis of examination syllabi.
- Practice in test construction.
- Selection, evaluation, and preparation of materials and resources for teaching.
11. Child-Friendly Schools (CFS)
- Concept, principles and models of CFS – definition of CFS.
- Key generic principles of CFS based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child, child-centredness democratic participation and inclusiveness.
- Quality as holistic and multi-dimensional.
- Characteristics of CFS:
- Principle 1 (child rights and inclusive education).
- Principle 2 (effective teaching and learning environments).
- Principle 3 (safe supportive and protective learning environments).
- Principle 4 (healthy and health-seeking learning environments).
- Principle 5 (gender sensitive learning environments).
- Principle 6 (democratic participation and partnership building).
- Policies in Nigeria that promote CFS.
- Child friendly school standards and indicators for teacher education.
- Teacher preparation for CFS – child centred interactive methodologies based on constructivist principles and activity based learner centred approach.
- Facilities and resources required for CFS; Assessment of teaching in a CFS.
- Technology on a CFS learning and teaching.
- Strategies for mainstreaming CFS concepts and principles in Nigeria.
12. Curriculum Studies
- Models of curriculum development and design.
- Organisation, selection and evaluation of curriculum.
- Principles of supervision, visitation, and accreditation.
- Preparation of relevant reports.
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13. Measurement and Evaluation
- Concepts of measurement and evaluation in education.
- Types and uses of tests.
- Statistical methods in testing.
- The characteristics of a good test are: validity, reliability, and usability.
- Measurement and evaluation at the tertiary education level, e.g. computation and analysis of students’ results such as good-stranding, GPA, CGPA, weighted average, weighted score/point, and classification of students performance.
- Computer-based testing, online presentation of students results, etc.
14. Educational Management
- Theories and principles of educational management.
- History of Educational planning and management.
- Types of planning;
- Manpower and social demand,
- rate of returns, conditions for success in educational planning and management.
- Problems and issues in educational management in Nigeria.
- Staff recruitment: selection, utilization and incentive policies.
- Enrolment, administration, and student welfare programmes.
- Staff-student relationship.
- Analysis of education statistics.
- National, state and local government budgets in relation to education
- Government and private financing of primary, secondary, tertiary institutions and non-formal education
- Principles and practice in school budgeting, wages and salary administration
- A holistic approach to study and understanding of man emphasizing techniques of self-analysis
- Social Skill training and techniques of communication
- Interpersonal relationships, conflict situations and resolutions
- MDGS in Education:
- concept of Education For All (EFA)
- New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD)
- National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS)
- HIV / AIDS in Education
- Public-Private Partnership
- Initiative in Education
- The role of NGOs and other agencies in Education
15. Special Education
- Basic concepts and principles in special education
- Recognition of students with special needs
- Curriculum and instructional needs of gifted and physically challenged students
- Strategies for enhancement of education of persons with special needs
16. Education of Special Target Groups / Adult Education
- Introduction to adult education
- A survey of the purpose and scope of adult education
- The psychology and characteristics of adult learners
- Community development, lifelong learning
- distance learning, non-formal education, functional literacy, continuing education, and mass literacy education
- Methods of teaching adults
- Non-formal education in Nigeria
- The role of adult education in the development of Nigeria
- Strategies for education of special target groups
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17. Comparative Education
- Meaning and scope of comparative education
- Methods appropriate to its study
- The relationship between the state and education
- Factors that influence the character of any educational system
- Aspects of systems of education from Nigeria
- 1-6-3-3-4 Education system in Nigeria: principles
- Guidelines and implementation
- EFA and the MDGs in education
- Education in other countries of the world (a study of good programmes in selected countries in Africa, Asia, America and Europe)
- Post 2015 development agenda
18. Educational Statistics
- Statistical foundations for educational research and measurements.
- Analysis of variance and covariance in educational experiments.
- Regression analysis, correlation and other measures of association.
- Use of ICT tools in data analysis.
19. Educational Research Methods
- Identification of educational problems, research design, data gathering, processing, analyzing, interpreting, inferences and reporting.
- Definition of a problem and formulation of hypotheses.
- Research types in education, e.g. historical, survey, experimental, etc.
- Proposal writing for theses and grants.
- Data gathering tools in education.
- Data analysis techniques in educational research.
- Research reporting.
20. English Language and Communication Skills
- Nature and Importance of Classroom Communication.
- Types of language problems among learners and strategies for improvement.
- Parts of speech:
- nouns
- pronouns
- verbs
- adverbs
- adjectives
- prepositions
- conjunction
- interjection
- Verb tenses
- Agreement/concord.
- Auxiliary/models.
- Questions, statements, commands.
- Phrases, clauses, sentence types, and patterns.
- Direct and indirect speech, common errors; etc.
- Punctuation, outlining, and logical presentation of ideas.
- Paragraphing / structure / development, logical sequencing of paragraphs.
- Compositions:
- narrative
- descriptive
- argumentative
- explanatory
- Letter writing (formal/informal).
- Report writing, memos, speeches, minutes.
- Writing styles –inductive/deductive, generalizations, etc.
- Reading problems.
- Principles and techniques for effective reading.
- Reading for various purposes (research, inferences, pleasure, scanning for key ideas, etc).
- Creative reading, etc.
- Listening types.
- Listening defects.
- Strategies for effective listening.
21. Use of the Library
- The concept and use of virtual library.
- Examination of the nature and operations of specific Library services.
- Bibliographic searching.
- Objectives, characteristics, and operations of the e-library.
- Online search of materials and information on the various educational disciplines.
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22. Basic Mathematics
- Binary numbers, conversion from base 2 to base 10 and vice versa.
- Sets definition, notation, and diagrams.
- Basic operations on factional and whole numbers.
- Fractions, decimals, and approximations.
- Indices and surds;
- Graphs.
- Change of subject of formulae.
- Expansion and factorization of simple algebraic expressions.
- Simple algebraic equations and methods of solutions.
- Simple word problems.
- Ratios.
- Percentages.
- Simple and compound interests.
- Variations (direct and inverse).
- Units of measurement for:
- money
- length
- mass
- weight
- area
- volumes
- Calculations of areas and volumes of 2 and 3-dimensional shapes e.g. triangle, square, rectangles, cylinder.
- Properties and classification of 2 and 3-dimensional shapes.
- Types of angles, horizontal, vertical, parallel, and perpendicular lines.
- Representation of data: pictogram, bar and pie charts.
- Frequency distribution: histogram and cumulative frequency distribution.
- Mode, median and mean.
- Range, mean deviation, and standard deviation.
- Simple probability and application.
23. Micro Teaching Theory
- Origin, development, meaning, aim and scope of micro-teaching.
- Principles and practices of functional micro teaching.
- Components of micro-teaching and their values.
- Techniques / skills of micro-teaching.
- Functions of the student in a micro-teaching situation as a teacher, a learner, a source of feedback, an evaluator, a video operator, and an organiser of a micro-lesson session.
- The use of the micro-teaching laboratory.
- Merits and demerits of micro-teaching.
- Sessions of supervised micro-teaching.
Can I Download the TRCN Syllabus For PhD Holders
Yes, you can download the TRCN syllabus for PhD holders here.